Creating a Residential Haven for Wildlife

Concept Plan

Project aims/ background:

CEC were asked to develop a concept plan for land surrounding a residential plot. The aim was to increase the biodiversity of the site and link areas of garden and natural landscape.

What CEC did/ delivered:

The site is located on sloping ground in a rural landscape near St Austell, with wide views of undulating ridges.  The home overlooks a sloping garden towards a small wood which includes mature Cornish hedges.  A public footpath runs along the garden boundaries to the west and north.

Developing a concept with our clients

Our ecologists carried out an initial survey and then introduced our Landscape Team who went to meet the clients on site and listened in detail to their requirements and aspirations. These included:

  • Achieve substantial biodiversity gains with a range of measures (such as meadows, a new pond, hibernacula, bog area, orchard and pollinator friendly planting)
  • To develop a transition between more formal and informal garden areas and to the landscape beyond
  • Provide advice on low maintenance landscaping for the large informal areas
  • Separate and screen the footpath to preserve privacy
  • Ensure public footpath users follow the path and do not stray onto private land

Providing options

Together we devised a concept plan that the clients had input into, with options being adjusted to suit their needs. We prepared an outline works schedule with approximate quantities. This enabled our clients to think about phasing the implementation and use the schedule as an aid to speak to suitable landscape contractors and obtain price estimates.

Outcome for client:


Testimonial from client:

“As a result of CEC’s design, we are looking forward to inviting more wildlife onto our property and achieving greater biodiversity.”

Evelyn Smoldon, Private Landowner

Interested in how we can help?

We’re always happy to chat and share our experience; get in touch and let’s chat about your project, and we’ll help you to move forward.