Project aims/ background:
The vision was to provide a state of the art cycling facility within Cornwall at a fully accessible Cycle Hub located on Cornwall Council owned land near the Newquay Aerohub Business Park.
What CEC did/ delivered:
CEC delivered the landscape design proposals and arboricultural assessment across the 18 hectare development site. CEC’s landscape team worked closely with DarntonB3 ( the project architects), their cycling design specialists (Bike-Track) and CEC’s ecology team to ensure the best environmental fit and optimise site for biodiversity and sustainability.
Key components of the cycling facility include the provision of a new site access, car park and visitor centre as well as a range of tracks and cycle activity areas covering mountain biking, road cycling, BMX cyclocross and informal starter trails.
Key features of the landscape proposals include:
- Development of an overall landscape strategy that responds to local landscape character (vegetation types) and the micro-climate (open site with strong prevailing winds for the north-west).
- Retention , protection and enhancement of existing trees, woodland and the network Cornish hedges.
- Protection and enhancement of bat foraging routes along the existing hedge network. New cycle routes have been located beyond protected buffer zones – with new native tree and shrub planting both within and adjoining existing hedges.
- Enhancements to site biodiversity – improving hedgerows, introducing new native tree and shrub planting, native scrub mosaic and wildflower meadows to field margins.
- The inclusion of a series of rain gardens on the outer edges of the proposed building overhangs. These are fed by rainwater that runs down a series of chains and include a variety of biodiverse species tolerant of wet and dry conditions and flash flooding.
- Incorporation of terraced seating designed to provide a spectator viewing area,
- Inclusion of biodiverse planting and raided beds areas around the main buildings to provide a sense of arrival, an attractive setting to the new building and also informal seating for arriving or leaving visitors.
Our key outputs to date include:
- Landscape design to RIBA Stage 3 – including the development of concept proposals through to planting proposals.
- Tree survey and Assessment Reporting – including the identification of features of value, constraints and input into the evolution of cycle routes to avoid and minimise impacts.
- Working with our ecologists to achieve Biodiversity Net Gain and bat mitigation.
Outcome for client:
Our proposals will lead to the implementation of a biodiverse and sustainable new recreational landscape which protects and enhances site biodiversity, and ensures that existing features of value are successfully integrated into the proposals.
Planning permission has been obtained which has enabled the project to look forward to the next stages of delivery once funding is secured.